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회사 소식 신 에너지 배터리

중국 Hai Da Labtester 인증
중국 Hai Da Labtester 인증
고객 검토
그렇습니다 우리는 기계를 지난 주에 받았습니다. 이 기계는 좋, 판매 후 serives를, 이었습니다 아주 직업적 감사합니다.

—— 피터 Maas

용해 교류 검사자는 아주 좋은 작동하고 있습니다. 납품은 더 빨랐습니다 예상합니다, 당신의 판매 후 servies 팀 memembers는 좋, 기술지원은 완벽했습니다.

—— Steve Hubbard

제가 지금 온라인 채팅 해요
회사 뉴스
신 에너지 배터리
에 대한 최신 회사 뉴스 신 에너지 배터리

Energy saving, emission reduction, subsidies and high cost performance are the selling points of new energy vehicles. Because of the unreachable advantages of these fuel vehicles, the acceptance of consumers for new energy vehicles has increased significantly year by year.However, new energy vehicles are not perfect, and the most prominent one is safety. In recent years, a series of burning accidents have cast a shadow on the industry and caused concern among

consumers.According to incomplete statistics, there have been nearly 50 cases of spontaneous combustion or explosion of new energy vehicles, and once the fire starts, the fire spreads very fast and the difficulty of escape is high.

According to the foresight industry research institute's analysis and statistics of new energy vehicle fire accidents since 2017, charging scene is the most frequent scene of fire, accounting for 50%.Among the causes of fire accidents, spontaneous combustion of power battery accounted for 31%, mainly because the lithium battery released a lot of heat in a short period of time after internal or external short circuit occurred, and the temperature rose sharply, leading to thermal runaway.

If we ignore the improper charging mode, environmental changes and other problems, the causes of thermal control of the battery are mainly thermal radiation, battery internal short circuit, abuse of harsh environment, etc., among which the quality of the battery itself cannot be ignored.To this end, recommend Haida instrument HD-H201 battery internal short circuit testing machine, can improve the quality of the battery for businesses to provide reliable support, and then protect the safety of users.

The battery internal short circuit testing machine is used to test whether the battery will explode and catch fire in the case of a certain resistance short connection. At the same time, the maximum current of the short connection is displayed through the relevant instrument.In line with GB/T 31485-2015, GB/T 31241-014, UN38.3, IEC62133, QC/ T743-201x, GB/T 8897.4-2008 standards.

선술집 시간 : 2021-05-29 09:44:48 >> 뉴스 명부
연락처 세부 사항
Hai Da Labtester

담당자: Miss. Lisa

전화 번호: +86 13829267288

팩스: 86-0769-89280809

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